
Five Foundational Pillars Framework

Every competent business coach will be able to support you in working through whatever systemic or personal challenges come up in your business. That is essential because some of what you deal with will be very specific to your particular situation and your particular business, so that no standardized advice will be adequate there.

On the other hand, there are also some aspects of building and running a business which are rather generic. These are topics that need to be addressed, and reviewed from time to time, in every business. My Five Foundational Pillars Framework addresses these five foundational pillars:

  1. Godly goals: Digging deep, to ensure a strong foundation, and gaining clarity on your godly goals.
  2. Overall strategy: Understanding the strategic challenges of these crazy times, and gaining clarity on your overall strategy.
  3. Marketing strategy: Understanding your personal strengths and relative weaknesses, and choosing a marketing strategy that will work well for you.
  4. Overcoming: Identifying your inner obstacles, and transforming those stories.
  5. Strategic acting: The shift from mostly reacting to taking action strategically and intentionally, with regular celebrations of progress.
Norbert Bollow

As a business owner, you have the authority and every right to ensure that your company’s business systems are not only profitable, but that they also support you in exercising your personal strengths, while taking burdens off your shoulders. (Making business as effortless as possible generally also happens to increase your profits as a side effect.)

If this sounds interesting, let’s schedule a conversation.